


Our mission at the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA) is to promote and defend cooperatives. Through advocacy, we connect with policymakers so that all types of cooperatives have a voice in Congress, the Administration, and at the State and local levels.


On behalf of our members, NCBA CLUSA speaks before elected officials with a united voice. With this voice, we increase awareness of the economic impact of cooperatives and encourage elected officials to stand on the side of cooperative businesses. NCBA CLUSA is committed to advocacy for federal policies that support and strengthen cooperatives in the United States. 

Key areas of co-op support include fair tax treatment, access to financing and technical assistance. Financing is foundational to cooperative enterprises, and our united voice advocates for this resource tirelessly. Technical assistance focuses on financial and educational resources for strengthening operations and giving cooperatives the chance to thrive. We also advocate for: 

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Contact: Aaliyah Nedd, Director of Government Relations, NCBA CLUSA |


Advocacy Priorities

Throughout our advocacy, we emphasize two core objectives:

  • Collaboration with Congressional Cooperative Business CaucusThis bipartisan organization consists of representatives from around the country who are committed to growing cooperative power in the U.S. Our collaboration with this group allows us to advance our advocacy work to the federal level and heighten the visibility of cooperative economic impact before governmental leaders.
  • Engagement with Interagency Working Group on Cooperative DevelopmentThe United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has long relied on cooperatives to empower rural America, and this organization developed the Interagency Working Group on Cooperative Development. In partnership with this group, we uncover the ways cooperatives can solve national challenges and how these solutions translate to public policy.

Learn more about our Advocacy Priorities

NCBA CLUSA’s Advocacy Efforts

Our current advocacy efforts at the federal level include:

  • Educating on the cooperative difference: We believe understanding the types of cooperatives and how they work is foundational for garnering support. Our educational efforts focus on defining the different types of cooperatives for policymakers and how this business model is beneficial.
  • Ensuring recognition and support in the budget: Cooperatives need financial support, and government bodies need to plan for how they will provide this assistance. A notable goal in our advocacy is making space for cooperative funding in annual budgets.
  • Accessing federal programs: Various organizations benefit from federal programs, and cooperatives are no exception. Through cooperative advocacy, we highlight the importance of including these organizations in eligibility requirements for various programs to ensure they can benefit.

Our Advocacy Leads to Legislative Wins

As we continue to represent cooperative needs at the federal level, we like to celebrate our wins and use them to motivate our work in the future. Some of our victories include:

  • Emergency relief: NCBA CLUSA led the cooperative community in making sure all cooperatives were eligible for emergency pandemic relief, which resulted in more than $2 billion in emergency resources for cooperative businesses.
  • Mapping co-op impact: NCBA CLUSA has quantified the scope of co-op economic impact nationwide with the help of 2017 Economic Census Data. This research has strengthened our advocacy efforts and continues to drive federal change.
  • Rural development: The Rural Cooperative Development Grant (RCDG) is dedicated to building and sustaining vibrant rural communities in the United States. Our advocacy encouraged the preservation of this program so it can continue to fund the startup and expansion of co-ops across the country.
  • Employee ownership: Our work led to the Main Street Employee Ownership Act of 2018. This act increased access to financing and technical assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration to improve retirement opportunities for aging entrepreneurs while keeping small businesses alive.

Learn More About NCBA CLUSA Advocacy

Our advocacy mission is a powerful one, and we’d love to share more about what we do. Contact our Government Relations Manager, Aaliyah Nedd, at for more information about our advocacy efforts. We also have other great resources to explore, including the Cooperative Business Playbook and Policy Strategies for an Inclusive Economy.


NCBA CLUSA’s advocacy team works to educate, differentiate and keep cooperative priorities top-of-mind before policymakers, stakeholders and the broader public. These efforts help ensure that co-ops are recognized, supported in the budget and eligible for federal programs.

How You Can Help


The bipartisan Congressional Cooperative Business Caucus helps advance NCBA CLUSA’s advocacy work at the federal level, providing greater visibility of cooperative economic impact before Congress and the Administration and driving a co-op-friendly legislative agenda.


The Interagency Working Group on Cooperative Development promotes a whole-of-government approach to using cooperative enterprise to solve public policy challenges. With more than a dozen government agencies as members, this group ensures the government is on the same page in its engagement with cooperative businesses.

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Mapping Co-op Impact

Ending a decades-long absence of federally reported data on co-ops, the 2017 Economic Census collected information that will quantify the scope of co-op economic impact nationwide.

Employee Ownership

The Main Street Employee Ownership Act of 2018 amends the lending landscape for worker cooperatives. This landmark legislation will support small businesses, create sustainable jobs and promote equitable wages.

Rural Development

Every budget season, we work to preserve the Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program, the only federal funding dedicated to advancing the co-ops that enrich rural America.

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