Twin Pines Voter Project

An NCBA CLUSA program of Co-ops Vote

The Twin Pines Voter Project is a non-partisan engagement activity to boost democratic participation among cooperatives through voter registration and voting in public elections. As members of people-centered businesses, co-ops are uniquely positioned to support voter registration, share critical voting information and help community members make a plan to vote. In partnership with Co-ops Vote, the Twin Pines Voter Project will educate and engage candidates and voters on issues important to cooperatives, including:

  • Inclusive economic growth through cooperatives
  • Fair tax treatment for cooperatives
  • Promoting co-op values in international development

Who can participate?

Any U.S.-based cooperative business or co-op support organization.

How do I get involved?

Become an Influencer, Pioneer or Evergreen Co-op by completing and reporting activities that promote democratic participation in your co-op and community.

Is there a deadline?

We encourage co-ops to host voter registration activities throughout the year, but there are two key dates in 2022 to keep in mind:

  • September 20 – National Voter Registration Day
  • November 8 – Election Day

Why is this important?

As businesses defined by democratic member control and participation, voting is in our cooperative DNA and enshrined in the 5th Cooperative Principle—Education, Training and Information. Promoting democratic participation in your co-op and community is also an essential way to raise awareness of issues that directly affect cooperatives. Make your voice heard by local, state and federal elected officials at the ballot box!

Co-ops are more than places of business.

They play a central role in the community and are uniquely positioned to support voter registration, share critical voting information, and help people make a plan to vote.


Share your success

Click the button below to self-report your completed activities to NCBA CLUSA. Note that Twin Pines Voter Project activities are not limited to our suggested activities—we encourage you to be creative and tailor engagements and events to best suit your members and community. We’ll recognize all cooperatives that achieve Influencer, Pioneer and/or Evergreen status. All three achievement levels will receive a Twin Pines Voter Project logo to share on their website or social media platforms. Co-ops that achieve Pioneer and/or Evergreen status will receive an additional window cling to proudly display in their co-op!

Report your activities