
2016 National Co-op Month Theme is “Cooperatives Build”


The National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International is pleased to announce that 2016 Co-op Month resources are now available at, a dedicated website NCBA CLUSA is hosting as part of its involvement in a first-of-its-kind Co-op Month Planning Committee tasked to develop the theme and campaign for this year’s Co-op Month, convened by the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA). NCBA CLUSA’s Communication team joined representatives from cooperative organizations nationwide to design a logo, theme and customizable resources for all sectors to celebrate Co-op Month this October. The official press release from CCA follows:   

This year’s theme for national Co-op Month in October is “Cooperatives Build,” highlighting the many ways cooperative businesses demonstrate their shared values and principles. The theme can be used on its own or extended with sub-themes, such as Cooperatives Build Trust; Cooperatives Build Communities; Cooperatives Build Jobs; and Cooperatives Build a Better World.

A Co-op Month toolkit with promotional and educational materials is now available online at The toolkit includes the Co-op Month logo, posters, updated facts and figures, print and radio public service announcements, a sample press release, sample Co-op Month proclamation, social media tools, co-op success stories, talking points and activity ideas, among other resources. New materials will be periodically added to the website through October.

This is the first year a national Co-op Month Planning Committee was formed to develop the theme and campaign through the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA), an organization of communication professionals who communicate for cooperative businesses.

“Our goal this year was to help strengthen the public image of cooperatives by bringing together professionals with diverse perspectives to create a unified, yet very customizable, Co-op Month theme and campaign,” said Jenny Bernhardt, Co-op Month Planning Committee chair and director of communications for Cooperative Network, a regional association of cooperatives in Minnesota and Wisconsin. “This type of collaboration, volunteerism and enthusiasm is about as cooperative as you can get.”

The committee included the following national, regional and local cooperative participation: National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, National Cooperative Bank, USDA Cooperative Programs, Cooperatives for a Better World, Cooperative Network (Minnesota and Wisconsin), Minnesota Cooperative Education Foundation, Eau Claire Energy Cooperative (Wisconsin), Flint Energies (Georgia), GROWMARK, Hanover Co-op Food Stores (Vermont), South Alabama EC (Alabama), TCEC (Oklahoma) and United Farmers Cooperative (Minnesota). The CHS Foundation provided funding support for the development of this year’s campaign.

Photos used in the campaign feature the following cooperatives: ACE Hardware, CHS Inc., Country Visions Cooperative (Wisconsin), Equal Exchange, Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-op (Minnesota), Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, Seward Food Co-op (Minnesota), Seafood Producers Cooperative (Alaska), Summit Credit Union (Wisconsin) and Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.

About Cooperative Communicators Association

Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) is an organization with an average of 300 professional members who communicate for cooperatives. The organization is unique in both its mission and membership. CCA works toward helping members excel in communications—from writing, photography and editing to video, layout and design. Just as important, CCA emphasizes ideas and strategies aimed at making communications more successful for cooperatives. Learn more at

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