
2023 Co-op Month resources now available!


Celebrated by cooperatives nationwide during the month of October, National Co-op Month is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of a trusted, proven way to do business and build resilient, inclusive communities. Under the theme, “Owning Our Identity,” this year’s Co-op Month is also a chance to lift up what makes cooperative businesses unique in the marketplace. Guided by a set of shared principles and values—among them democracy, equity and solidarity—co-ops are hardwired for economic and societal transformation. In a moment when corporations are scrambling to find an identity outside of maximizing shareholder value, that’s a meaningful difference.

This October, we invite cooperators nationwide to consider more deeply what it means to be a cooperative. Our identity sets us apart, but has it stood the test of time? Could our principles and values more accurately reflect the cooperative movement today? The last quarter of 2023 is a generational opportunity to truly “own” our identity. In partnership with the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)’s Cooperative Identity Consultation, NCBA CLUSA wants to hear what you think would make our identity more relevant.

Cooperatives nationwide are encouraged to use this year’s theme and logo in their communication and outreach activities this October. Stay tuned for special Co-op Month events coming from NCBA CLUSA, including a takeover of our October Co-op Circle Happy Hour. Resources for the 2022 Co-op Month are hosted by NCBA CLUSA at

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