
Add your event to our Year of Cooperatives calendar

Add your event to the lineup!

As we dive into the Year of Cooperatives, NCBA CLUSA is pleased to launch a new way to keep upcoming events on your radar. Our Year of Co-ops Events Calendar includes co-op sector conferences across the U.S., key dates on NCBA CLUSA’s calendar, and a series of events hosted by Cooperatives of the Americas, the regional body representing the Americas before the International Cooperative Alliance.

What’s missing is your co-op’s event. How is your co-op or organization amplifying the Year of Cooperatives? 2025 not only promises a year-long celebration of cooperatives, but also sets the stage for greater awareness of and advocacy for the cooperative business model.

Use the link below to share your event with the broader co-op community and join a groundswell of activity this year.

Share your event    Check out the calendar

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