
Are you a new cooperator? Apply for a scholarship to attend IMPACT 2021 by September 8

The New Cooperator Scholarship program is an opportunity for emerging cooperators to attend the Cooperative IMPACT Conference.

The deadline has been extended for scholarships benefitting new cooperators to attend the 2021 Cooperative IMPACT Conference and related programming hosted by NCBA CLUSA. These scholarships, provided by the Cooperative Development Foundation, are now open for applications until Wednesday, September 8.

The New Cooperator Scholarship program is an opportunity for emerging cooperators interested in broadening their understanding of cooperatives to benefit from participation in the only national, cross-sector event elevating the conversation around a trusted, proven way to do business and build communities.

The scholarship covers:

Applicants should be new to their careers in cooperatives and/or associated governmental, academic, development and support services organizations; interested in learning more about cooperatives; and have financial need. Scholarship recipients will be announced on September 10.

Submit an application    Contact Greg Irving for more information

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