The Howard Bowers Fund 2018 fundraising drive is in full swing. Starting in August and continuing until the end of October, the Cooperative Development Foundation is asking food cooperatives and their supporters to donate to the Fund.
This year, the first five cooperatives to donate $500 or more before the end of October will have an opportunity to host one of the co-op quilts for two months any time before November 2019. Many cooperatives proudly display the quilts in their stores as a symbol of cooperative strength and their commitment to the cooperative principles.
Since 1994, the Bowers Fund has provided over $500,000 in grants, offering the kind of help food co-ops need to open strong and stay competitive such as assistance with staff and board training and scholarships to attend professional conferences that allow them to network with peers and learn from industry experts.
In 2017, the fund gave $40,788 in grants, sponsorships, and scholarships. Fifteen food co-ops received direct grants, and seventeen food co-ops received a total of twenty-five scholarships to CCMA. It supported participation in CCMA, Up and Coming, and Small and Strong Conference.
In 2018, twenty-five people attend CCMA on scholarships from the Bowers Fund. Already six food co-ops received grants to support staff and board training with more grant opportunities available.
If your cooperative is interested in joining the ranks of those who have #BenefitedByBowers, the fund is currently accepting applications for the Fall 2018 grant cycle. Applications are due by September 15th. To learn more about the application process or to donate to the fund visit