Sonja Novkovic, Ph.D., is Professor of Economics and Academic Director at the International Centre for Co-operative Management (ICCM), at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada. She is an invaluable member of the NCBA CLUSA Cooperative Economics Council (CEC). Cooperators interested in cutting edge research are encouraged to see some of her recent publications starting with “Cooperative identity as a yardstick for transformative change”.
Readers are also encouraged to see several recent working papers and case studies, dating from 2019-2022, available through the ICCM’s Working Paper and Case Study Series. Cooperators who especially seek to learn more about cooperative governance should look to the works on Agropur (Canada), COMEBO, (France), Isthmus Engineering (US), Unicorn (UK) and many more cooperative organizations.
Further, Sonja and coauthors Karen Miner and Anu Puusa have published a new paper in the Journal of Cooperative Organization & Management (JCOM) exploring questions around cooperative identity. The article, “Co-operative identity and the dual nature: From paradox to complementarities”, is available now for reading and downloading. Those thinking through the International Cooperative Alliance’s Statement of Cooperative Identity will find this an especially useful resource.
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