
Dr. Lisabeth Ryder, founder of WORCS Appears on Everything Co-op


Tune in to WOL 1450 AM, 95.9 FM and WOL Live Stream, on May 6, 10:30 am for Everything Co-op, hosted by Vernon Oakes. This week Vernon interviews Dr. Lisabeth Ryder, founder of WORCS: Worker Ownership Resources and Cooperative Services. Vernon and Lisabeth will discuss worker ownership resources and services provided by WORCS.

Dr. Lisabeth Ryder has been a mechanic and small business owner, a university teacher and anthropologist, plus a database analyst and computer programmer. She has also been a life-long social justice, environmental and human rights activist, and has been involved in both community and political organizing. She has worked for organized labor over two decades, having worked for both SEIU and AFSCME. She has been involved in cooperatives since the early 1970’s. She is a co-founder and co-owner of LUCI LLC, a developer and incubator of worker cooperatives in Southern California and co-chairs the Union Co-op Council for the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives. She is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles.

Our host, Vernon Oakes, is a consummate advocate for cooperatives. He is a Past President of the National Association of Housing Cooperatives, and has served on several boards and committees to advance the interests of cooperatives. Recently, he served on the Limited Equity Cooperative Task Force, established by Anita Bonds, At-Large Member of the Council of the District of Columbia. Vernon is an MBA graduate of Stanford University, who has used his business acumen to benefit the community, by promoting the added value of the cooperative business model.

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