
Get your PPE from a purchasing cooperative and support businesses owned by people of color


Between June and July of this year, CPA spent 40 percent of $800,000 at businesses owned by people of color. [photo: Community Purchasing Alliance]
As cooperatives in the U.S. and around the world pivot to the new normal of purchasing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for their employees and outfitting their offices to meet COVID-19 standards, the options can be overwhelmingā€”and costly.

Thatā€™s why NCBA CLUSA member Community Purchasing Alliance is looking to build relationships will fellow cooperatives interested in ordering their masks and other PPE through a purchasing co-op that negotiates as a group to get the best deal on the highest-quality equipmentā€”all while prioritizing businesses owned by Black people, women and people of color.

In 2019 alone, CPA members and participants signed $7.9 million in contracts with Black- and Brown-owned, women-owned and immigrant-owned businesses. And between June and July of this year, CPA spent 40 percent of $800,000 at businesses owned by people of color.

The deadline to be part of the next group PPE purchase is August 14. Whether you need disposable masks for tellers at your credit union or social distancing signage for your food co-op, CPA can help. Their products include disinfectant wipes and spray, hand sanitizer, face shields, masks, gowns and more.

For details, submit the interest form on CPAā€™s website. Youā€™ll be joining 200 other community-based organizations across nine states already shifting their spend to source PPE through a cooperative.

Interested? Let CPA know

Community Purchasing Alliance is a Washington, DC-based social purpose purchasing cooperative that brings purchasing expertise and collective buying power to its members to help lower their operating costs and improve efficiency. Formed in 2014, CPA serves schools, nonprofits and other mission-oriented businesses in a meaningful, quantifiable way.

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