
Hanover Co-op earns top community award


Allan Reetz, Hanover Co-op’s Director of Public & Government Relations, receives NHBSR’s 2022 Cornerstone Award on behalf of Hanover Co-op employees. [photo: Hanover Co-op Food Stores]
At the Hanover Co-op Food Stores and Auto Service Centers, corporate social responsibility takes many forms. Based on its long history of such community impact, the 86-year-old cooperative recently received the 2022 Cornerstone Award from New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR).

NHBSR’s Cornerstone Award recognizes people and organizations that “exemplify the concepts of corporate social responsibility… and promote those concepts to the greater business community within the State of New Hampshire.”

In presenting the award to the Hanover Co-op, NHBSR’s leadership highlighted co-op initiatives such as its founding and continued support for Willing Hands’s food rescue efforts; establishment of its customer-driven Pennies for Change program; its innovative Co-op Car Connects service to low-income drivers; launching and subsidizing the purchase of reusable crates for local farmers; national commendations through the EPA’s GreenChill initiative for environmental stewardship; food waste diversion; and more.

The Hanover Co-op serves the Upper Valley region of New England. As an $80 million business, its Vermont facilities include a grocery store, production kitchen, and administrative offices in Hartford, along with an auto service center in Norwich. It operates three food stores and an auto service center in Hanover and Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Accepting the award, Hanover Co-op’s Allan Reetz said, “The cooperative model is built on concern for community. The actions and principles of the Hanover Co-op remain as strong today as they were at its founding in 1936. The employees and our member-owners make our good work possible.”

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