Now is the time to invite your Senator or representative to visit your co-op. As with most years, your elected representatives spend August and early September visiting with constituents and small businesses across their district or state. It’s important for elected officials to hear firsthand from community leaders about what is working, what needs fixing, and how they can help as your representative.
For over a century, co-ops have been critical components of a strong local economy by creating greater opportunities for more people and businesses. It is beneficial to build relationships with elected officials to help representatives understand the impact of cooperatives in local communities. Congress has the opportunity to center co-ops as a key strategy for sustainable local economic development as communities across the country seek to rebuild after the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Invite your elected official to meet your co-op members, see a community project, or simply help them better understand how living out the seven cooperative principles makes co-ops good stewards of their communities and drivers of grassroots economic growth.
To find your elected officials and their contact information, visit www.house.gov and www.senate.gov. If you would like more information on NCBA CLUSA’s advocacy agenda, see our advocacy page, or reach out to the NCBA CLUSA advocacy team at Advocacy@NCBA.coop.