
Join the Interagency Working Group on Cooperative Development for a meeting on co-op ecosystems


Joana Ibarretxe Cano, a production manager at Mondragon, speaks with other workers. [photo: Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen/New York Times]
The Mondragon cooperative system, the seventh largest corporation in Spain, lifted the Basque region out of poverty in the years following the Spanish Civil War and now boasts $12 billion in annual revenue. In Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region, cooperatives are responsible for about a third of the gross domestic product.

Join the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Interagency Working Group on Cooperative Development on January 15 at 1 p.m. EST for a meeting on what U.S. cooperatives can learn from these highly successful ecosystems. Are there U.S. communities already applying the lessons from Mondragon and Emilia Romagna?

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The meeting will feature a panel of distinguished speakers including:

Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish will be available. 

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