We’re wrapping up the Spring 2019 issue of the Cooperative Business Journal this week (look for it in early June!). In the meantime, have you had a chance to watch our latest episode of PostScript?
The PostScript video series offers a new perspective on a topic we’ve already introduced in the Journal. Our new episode brings you a firsthand look at the launch of a shared framework for assessing the impact of cooperatives—on their members, the communities they serve and the broader economy.
This framework, called “The ABCs of Co-op Impact,” is the result of a partnership between NCBA CLUSA, the Cooperative Development Foundation and the Urban Institute to better understand co-ops and their link to healthy, equitable and sustainable communities. The work is supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and we first published the full report in the Winter 2019 issue of the Journal.
In this episode of PostScript, we hear from NCBA CLUSA president and CEO Doug O’Brien, Urban Institute Senior Fellow Brett Theodos and our panelists, Cornelius Blanding, executive director of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives; and Margaret Lund, principal of Co-opera Co., an independent consulting firm.
Watch the episode to learn more, and be sure to subscribe to the Cooperative Business Journal to be the first to get our Spring 2019 issue. We’ll dig deeper into measuring co-op impact with a case study on BARC Electric Cooperative.