Tune-in to WOL on September 3, for Everything Co-op, hosted by Vernon Oakes. This week Vernon interviews Micha Josephy, Executive Director of the Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE). Vernon and Micha will discuss the role of financial institutions in advancing cooperative development.
CFNE is a certified CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution), founded in 1975 to work for economic, social, and racial justice by advancing community based, cooperative, and democratically owned or managed enterprises with a preference to assisting cooperatives in low-income communities.
CFNE has disbursed $66 million in flexible financing and delivered customized technical assistance to emerging and established cooperatives across the region, of which 75% are still in business. This has created or preserved thousands of jobs and affordable housing units and over 100,000 cooperative ownership opportunities largely in low and moderate income communities. CFNE serves New England and parts of New York.