Tune in to WOL 1450 AM and Tune-in Radio, on November 12, 10:30 am for Everything Co-op, hosted by Vernon Oakes. This week Vernon interviews Mo Manklang, Policy Director at the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives. Vernon and Mo will discuss initial findings of the Federation’s survey: Worker Co-ops: Weathering The Storm of COVID-19 and Beyond, and how those those findings will shapes the work ahead toward building a stronger economy.
As Policy Director, Mo Manklang leads policy efforts at the federal level, works with its membership on state and local initiatives, and heads up health benefits initiatives. She has been convening people in cooperatives and social impact for the past twelve years in a variety of roles, including five years with local news and events group Generocity.org.
Mo is a founding board member of the Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance, the Media and Marketing Committee of the Kensington Community Food Co-op, the Policy Committee of the Sustainable Business Network. She is also the co-founder and organizer of The Bechdel Test Fest, an annual festival highlighting women and transgender comedians in Philadelphia.