Cooperators should make their voices heard this November—and during every election. That’s a message Jim Matheson, CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) is reinforcing on the debut edition of “Along Those Lines,” a new monthly podcast from America’s Electric Cooperatives.
With a focus on stories from across the 47 states served by electric co-ops that amplify the issues that matter most to rural America and the energy industry, “Along Those Lines” is available on NRECA’s podcast page or through subscription using a standard podcast app.
This month’s topic dovetails with NRECA’s Co-ops Vote program, a non-partisan campaign designed to boost the political strength of communities served by cooperatives through relationship building and voter engagement.
“It’s always important to understand the value of participation in terms of how we affect policymaking in this country,” Matheson, a former seven-term member of Congress from Utah, says on the podcast.
“If you don’t show up and you don’t participate, then your voice is diminished,” he said, adding that role of electric co-ops is not just to provide electricity, but also to act as “community advocates” when it comes to issues like broadband access.
Listen to the full episode here: