
Next week: Join CDF for a webinar on affordable housing partnerships that work


This country needs more affordable homeownership options. And more communities are looking to the long-established Limited Equity Cooperative (LEC) and Community Land Trusts (CLT) models to provide a permanently affordable way to provide homes for low and moderate-income individuals and families. But how do these models work to provide housing ownership and stability? Who controls the decision-making, and how do you get them financed and developed?

Join the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) on August 10 from 3-4 PM EDT for a webinar to help you leverage these affordable housing solutions in your community. This webinar is the second in a series of webinars presented as part of CDF’s Affordable Housing Initiative.

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The session will include an overview of the structure of CLTs and LECs, examples of successful LEC and CLT partnerships, financing opportunities and challenges, and the ongoing technical assistance and resident-organizing and governance support required to ensure success.

During this one-hour session, a panel of experts will briefly present the models and then join in a moderated discussion with opportunities to engage through online Q&A to ensure you better understand how these models work in the real world. We invite questions from you both in advance and during the discussion.


Chul Gugich

Principal, Policy and Legislative Research and Applications

LeSar Development Consultants




Adam Maloon

Director of Stewardship

Douglass Community Land Trust




Roberto Carlos Garcia-Ceballos


Fideicomiso Comunitario Tierra Libre

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