As NCBA CLUSA celebrates 100 years of supporting cooperatives that build a better world, we’re thrilled to recognize the organizations that have made generous contributions in support of the 2016 Annual Cooperatives Conference, or Impact 2016.
Held during Co-op Week from May 2 – 4 in Washington, D.C., Impact 2016 is the only conference that speaks with a united, cross-sector voice to our elected officials about the issues critical to cooperatives in the U.S. Hosted at NCBA CLUSA’s new headquarters at 1775 Eye Street NW and the National Press Club, Impact 2016 also includes a full day of Congressional office visits on Capitol Hill. Other Co-op Week activities include the Annual Meeting of CooperationWorks! and the Cooperative Development Foundation’s Cooperative Issues Forum and Cooperative Hall of Fame Reception, Dinner and Induction Ceremony.
To learn more about the conference agenda or to register for Impact 2016, click here. Continue reading to find out where you can meet with and learn more about the services provided by our sponsors during Impact 2016.
CoBank is a longtime supporter and board member of NCBA CLUSA and headlines this conference as its Premier Sponsor, hosting NCBA CLUSA’s Welcome Reception and Open House on Monday evening at our new headquarters at 1775 Eye Street NW.
Cooperative Business International (CBI), an organization that grew out of NCBA CLUSA’s overseas development efforts in the 90s, is our Gold Sponsor and will host breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday at the National Press Club.
National Cooperative Bank, also a longtime supporter and board member of NCBA CLUSA, welcomes congressional staff, conference attendees and other invited guests to a Tuesday evening reception honoring the Co-op 100 in Room 2200 of the Rayburn House Office Building as our Silver sponsor.
Bronze sponsor Simply Voting will be on-hand to connect with members and thought leaders about their election needs. Simply Voting is a proud Associate Member of NCBA CLUSA and handles our annual board elections through their secure, cost-effective and environmentally responsible online platform.
Collaborating as supporters of Cooperative Identity, the .coop brand ( and Cooperatives for a Better World will be on-hand to chat with attendees about ways to embrace their identity through the .coop domain and COOP Marque, as well as key cooperative education opportunities for employees of co-ops.
To read more about each of our sponsors, visit our sponsor page on the Impact 2016 website.