
Register for this year’s Co-op 5K by March 14 to get a t-shirt in your preferred size

Participate virtually anytime between April 19 and May 2 or join us in person in Washington, DC at Hains Point, East Potomac Park on May 3.

Lace up your sneakers and stretch for the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF)’s annual Co-op 5k to support and celebrate the International Year of Cooperatives.

Participate virtually anytime between April 19 and May 2 or join us in person in Washington, DC at Hains Point, East Potomac Park on May 3. Run, walk or stroll to honor Chuck Snyder’s legacy to Do Well to Do Good and celebrate the International Year of Cooperatives.

Register now   Learn more

With support from the cooperative community through fundraisers like the Co-op 5k, CDF has helped to incubate, replicate and elevate cooperatives across all sectors in the U.S. and internationally since 1944. Register and help support cooperative development in the decades to come!

This year’s race is your co-op’s chance to outrun, out-spirit, and out-fundraise last year’s winners: NCB Sole ShakersCoBank: Growing Rural AmericaPioneer Utility Resources: Built to Tell Your Story and ACDI/VOCA Globetrotters. Whether you meet us in DC or run by yourself or with friends, colleagues or family at home, show your support for cooperatives!

Register by March 14 to get the Co-op 5K t-shirt in your preferred size. Preferred t-shirt size is not guaranteed after March 14. This year’s t-shirts commemorate the International Year of Cooperatives and the role co-ops play in building a better world. 

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