
Study reveals credit unions save U.S. consumers $15 billion per year


A report released this week has found that U.S. credit unionsā€™ federal tax exemption benefits both credit union members and non-members, and the U.S. economy.

The study, commissioned by the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, estimates that $56 billion in federal tax revenue would be lost over a decade if credit unions have their tax-exempt status cut. The report also found that removing the exemption could reduce economic activity in the U.S. by $120 billion and cost 79,000 jobs over ten years.

Credit unions have been exempt from federal income tax since their inception due to their non-profit, co-operative and member-owned structure. Though critics of the tax exemption for credit unionsĀ claim their statusĀ is based on outdated legislation that no longer reflects credit unionsā€™ role, the report released this week details how both credit union members and non-members benefit from the passing along of value from the tax exemption.

The report calculates that the lower rates and fees enjoyed by credit union members ranged from $4.4 billion to $10.7 billion per year over the past decade. Bank consumers were also found to benefit from increased competition brought about by credit unions. The combined benefits to both members and non-members of credit unions were found to be approximately $15 billion per year.

The NAFCU-commissioned study calculated the cost of losing such benefits, with an estimated 50% reduction in credit union market share if their tax exemption was removed. If this happened, an estimated $8.4 billion in personal income would be lost per year, leading to around a $12 billion per year reduction in GDP and a resulting $5.6 billion loss in annual federal income tax revenue.

This weekā€™s report builds on previous research examining the impact of credit unions losing their tax exemption in Australia and Canada.

ā€œReduced competition for consumer financial services led to higher interest rates on consumer loans and lower interest rates on deposits in both countries,ā€ says the report.

Dan Berger, NAFCUā€™s president and CEO, welcomed the reportā€™s findings, saying: ā€œAs not-for-profit co-operative financial institutions, credit unions have always put their members first by providing them with the best financial products, rates, and lower fees. Today, 125 million consumers are members of a credit union.

ā€œConsumers continue to recognize the benefits of credit unions and how a credit union can help them achieve financial freedom. The tax exemption status provided to credit unions has yielded dividends to consumers, Main Street businesses, and the US economy through lower fees, better financial products, and better rates.ā€

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