What if healthcare professionals, researchers and innovators talked with patients—instead of about them—when designing new treatments and medications? That’s the simple, yet somehow novel, idea that underpins Savvy Cooperative.
Designed to bridge the gap between patients and practitioners, Savvy Cooperative connects healthcare companies, researchers and practitioners with patients who can directly inform their work–and get compensated for doing so.
Read more about Savvy Cooperative from Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/90207550/this-co-op-lets-patients-monetize-their-own-health-data.
And hear Savvy Cooperative CEO and co-founder Jen Horonjeff firsthand at NCBA CLUSA’s 2018 Co-op IMPACT Conference in October. Horonjeff is part of a panel discussion on big data.
Register now to hear her talk about how co-ops like Savvy are making sure members maintain ownership of their data and benefit from its collection and analysis.