Global Programs

Tomorrow: IMPACT 2021 Session Replay – Co-op Values at Work for Present and Future Generations: Tackling Climate Change


Our IMPACT 2021 session replays continue this week with “Cooperative Values at Work for Present and Future Generations: Tackling Climate Change.” We’ll be joined by a special guest from USAID Madagascar, Senior Environment Specialist Tiana Razafimahatratra.

Join NCBA CLUSA and IMPACT International Track co-sponsor OCDC on Wednesday, November 17 from 11 am-12:45 pm EST for the third in a series of IMPACT 2021 session replays leading up to the International Cooperative Alliance’s 33rd World Cooperative Congress in December. With cooperative identity high on the agenda of both events, our identity-themed session replays are a great opportunity to gear up for the congress and continue the conversations you began at IMPACT 2021.

With the recently concluded 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), we are again reminded of the critical role cooperatives play in mitigating the effects of climate change and promoting conservation. US Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power mentioned cooperatives specifically in her COP26 remarks, citing them as an important vehicle for vanilla farmers in Madagascar. Through environmentally-friendly cooperatives, vanilla-growing communities in Madagascar don’t have to “choose between the welfare of their people and the health of their environments,” Power said. “They can have both.”

During “Cooperative Values at Work for Present and Future Generations: Tackling Climate Change,” we’ll hear perspectives from World Resources Institute, USAID, and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. We’ll also get firsthand accounts of how cooperatives are combatting climate change at the community level in Madagascar, Mexico, India, and Brazil.


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