Carmen Huertas-Noble

School of Law, City University of New York

Tenured Professor of Law, Carmen Huertas-Noble spent her professional career laying the tracks for a sustainable worker cooperative sector in New York City and beyond. Known for her conviction, fortitude and determination, Carmen advocates for worker cooperatives as tools to fight income inequality and to alter traditional power and wealth dynamics. With over 15 years of experience in law, public service has been a cornerstone in Carmen’s career. As a Senior Staff Attorney in the Community Development Project of the Urban Justice Center, and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham University, Carmen counseled cooperatives in navigating legal entity formation options and on creating democratic governance structures. She has partnered with some of the most innovative grassroots organizations creating and supporting worker-owned cooperatives.

As the Founding Director of the Community & Economic Development Clinic and Professor at CUNY Law School, Carmen has educated and trained over 200 students in cooperative law. As a cofounder of 1Worker 1Vote,Inc.,a 501(c)(3) that facilitates the creation of networks of worker cooperatives, particularly union cooperatives, Carmen developed the NY legal model and educated union leaders, government officials, academics, worker co-op incubators and worker cooperators. An invaluable ally for worker cooperatives, Carmen’s insight, experience, scholarship and tireless efforts are raising awareness of the worker cooperative movement and creating the ecosystem worker cooperatives need to flourish.