Ibon Zugasti

International Project Manager
LKS Cooperative, Mondragon Corporation

Ibon Zugasti is International Project Manager at LKS Cooperative, the Management Consulting Division of MONDRAGON Corporation, and serves as the Chairman of the Millennium Project in Spain, Member of the Board of Foresight Europe Network (FEN), Deputy Director of the Foresight Iberoamerican Network (RIBER), and President of the European Regional Foresight College. Ibon is also the Managing Partner/Director in PROSPEKTIKER, a foresight and strategy institute with a long experience in sustainability related EU projects and a member of the PREPARE Network.

Since 1999, Ibon has led several high impact consultancy and research projects in fields like foresight, regional sustainable development, labor and training and energy for numerous governments, cities and corporations worldwide. He has also advised the Committee of the Regions of the EU for the launching of a European Platform on Territorial Foresight. In the U.S., Ibon advises the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative (BCDI) in New York City and collaborates closely with the nationwide 1worker1vote movement inspired by almost 70 years of the Mondragon cooperative ecosystem experience.

Ibon is a co-author of numerous publications and contributes to the annual publication, State of the Future, by the Millennium Project. Ibon earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Deusto, Spain and his master’s degree in Strategic Management from Marquette University in Milwaukee. He has taught strategic management and at many universities and seminars on the international level for years.