Sarah Murungi

Chief of Party
HealthPartners CONNECT Girls Center

Sarah Murungi is a health cooperative and organizational development specialist with a background in social work. She has 20 years of experience building the capacity of organizations focusing on systems and processes. She served many organizations including Irish Aid, World Learning for International Development, Initiatives Inc., Intrahealth International and HealthPartners.

Sarah’s expertise includes HIV/AIDs, Health Advocacy and Gender Equity and CooperativeDevelopment. As Chief of Party for the CONNECT Girls Center in Uganda, Ms. Murungi’s role enables her to reach the most vulnerable communities to increase access to quality, affordable healthcare through member-owned health cooperatives. HealthPartners provides tools, capacity building and network development support for care providers affiliated to agricultural cooperatives, SACCOs, schools, burial societies and employer groups. Care providers are trained to manage insurance partnerships directly, electing a board of directors and registering with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives in Uganda.

Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Management. She resides in Kampala, Uganda.