Farmer-to-Farmer: Cooperative Principles Amid a Global Pandemic


Join us for an insightful discussion on NCBA CLUSA’s Farmer-to-Farmer program. During this session you’ll hear from a few of our stellar volunteers and learn about how they were able to practice Cooperative Principle 5: Education, Training, and Information, during a global health crisis. NCBA CLUSA’s USAID-funded Farmer-to-Farmer program sends American farmers and agribusiness professionals on 2-4 week agricultural development assignments, promoting sustainable growth and agricultural development worldwide. Volunteer technical assistance from U.S. farmers, agribusinesses, cooperatives and universities helps smallholder farmers in developing countries improve productivity, access new markets and conserve environmental and natural resources. During COVID-19 we have shifted to a hybrid volunteer model that affords US volunteers and in-country volunteers the opportunity to continue to provide technical assistance.

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