Economic Opportunities

The Women and Youth Creating Our Future (WYCF)

at a glance:

2023 - 2028

funded by:

Place of Performance: Timor-Leste

Practice Area: Creating Economic Opportunities  

The Women and Youth Creating Our Future (WYCF) is a five-year, US$7.5 million Activity designed to support a local social enterprise with a sustainable business model capable of increasing formal job placement, establishing and growing job-creating enterprises, and increasing incomes for youth, women, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Timor-Leste.

In support of this goal, NCBA CLUSA will support several strategic objectives, including:  

  • To support WYCF goals, NCBA CLUSA and the Institute of Business (IOB), a social enterprise, will establish the Center for Youth Development/Sentru ba Desenvolvimento Foin Sae (Sentru) to strengthen workforce readiness and technical and entrepreneurial skills of Timorese youth, women, and PWDs through education, employment, and entrepreneurship; and
  • Strengthen the Institute of Business (IOB)’s sustainable business model to advance its mission, especially to empower women and youth;

Sentru and its youth service hubs will target youth, women, and PWDs who are entering the labor market as well as those who are out of school.

Sentru will offer two program tracks: employment and entrepreneurship. To ensure the two tracks meet the practical needs of employers and the labor market, Sentru will establish an advisory board comprised of members from private companies, business associations, and commercial banks, as well as other USAID and donor programs. A youth advisory panel, representing youth, women, and PWDs will also be engaged to address local youth needs and their aspirations.

To boost employability and entrepreneurial success, WYCF will focus on supporting both labor demand and supply. The activity will prioritize the private sector to drive industry-led mentorship, internships, and similar work-based learning programs. It will also coordinate with existing donor programs, centers, private sector groups, and organizations. In addition, WYCF will partner with the Government of Timor-Leste, including its ministries of Tourism, Trade and Industry, Agriculture and Fisheries; the National Institute for Labor Force Development; and civil society.


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