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Dame Pauline Green to Headline 2014 Purchasing Cooperatives Conference


[photo courtesy]
Dame Pauline Green, the first woman president of the International Co-operative Allianceā€™s 116-year history, will headline a joint session of theĀ Purchasing Cooperatives Conference and the Annual Cooperatives ConferenceĀ in Minneapolis, Minnesota September 9.

Green was instrumental in consolidating the cooperative movement in the United Kingdom. She effectively lobbied for innovative co-op legislation, and played a key role in launching a wave of new cooperative development in the country.

Her keynote, ā€œBlueprint for a Cooperative Decade,ā€ is expected to challenge conference attendees to raise awareness of the cooperative business model, spurring its continued growth and status in the coming decades.

Born in Malta in 1948, Green spent much of her childhood moving around Europe with her family. After raising her own family, Green began working for the U.K. co-op movement as a lobbyist on European affairs. In 1989, she was elected as a cooperative member of the European Parliament. By 2000, Green was chief executive of Cooperatives U.K., the apex body for co-ops in the country.

Green has served as president of the International Co-operative Alliance since her election at the 2009 General Assembly. As president, she has rallied members to help build a global body reflecting the size and reach of the movement.

NCBA CLUSA is thrilled to include Green in the line-up for the 2014 Purchasing Cooperative Conference and the Annual Cooperative Conference, joining forces for the first time this year to bring you a full week of networking and collaboration.

For more details and to register, be sure to visitĀ, click on the ā€œeventā€ tab and scroll down to theĀ ā€œ2014 Purchasing Cooperatives Conference.ā€

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