
Hear more of Doug O’Brien and Curtis Wynn’s Cooperative Business Journal conversation in a new episode of PostScript


We’re busy wrapping up the Spring/Summer 2021 issue of the Cooperative Business Journal! In the meantime, have you had a chance to watch our latest episode of PostScript?

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The PostScript video series offers a new perspective or an extended version of an article we’ve already introduced in the Journal. This episode brings you the full virtual conversation between NCBA CLUSA President and CEO Doug O’Brien and Roanoke Electric Cooperative CEO Curtis Wynn at the heart of Winter 2021 article, “Acknowledge, Act and Lead.”

In this episode, Doug and Curtis explore the rapidly changing electric cooperative industry, discussing how co-ops can address urgent priorities around inequality systemic racism and climate change; reflect on how electric cooperatives are responding to competition and new technologies with creativity and innovation; and discuss opportunities for impact with the Biden Administration.

Watch the episode to learn more, and be sure to subscribe to the Cooperative Business Journal to be the first to get our Spring/Summer 2021 issue.

Read the Winter 2021 issue

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