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Howard Bowers Fund 2015 Silent Auction Highlights


The Cooperative Development Foundation’s Howard Bowers Fund will hold its 2015 Silent Auction at the Consumer Cooperative Management Association (CCMA) Conference—its biggest annual fundraiser—in Boise, Idaho next week.

Look for the donated registrations, memberships and subscriptions below—along with plenty of co-op memorabilia and swag—in the Aspen Room of Boise’s Riverside Hotel, the site of the conference. Bidding begins at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 12 and closes at 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 13. Winners may pick up their items between 3 and 5 p.m.

• Cooperative Café Registration for 10 Up to 10 people from your co-op are invited to attend a Co-op Café in the next 12 months (ends June 2016). Co-op Cafes, administered by CDS Consulting Co-op, provide a day of highly interactive and engaging strategic conversations designed to build shared understanding and alignment at your co-op and among co-ops. To view a schedule, click here or visit the CDS Consulting Co-op display booth at CCMA in Boise. Donated by CDS Consulting Co-op. Estimated value: $600.

• Cooperative Board Leadership 101 or Leadership Training CBL 101 provides a strong foundation for directors by covering these topics: cooperative principles, values and history; legal roles and responsibilities; cooperative governance; and financial understanding. Leadership Training focuses on three levels of leadership development: individual skill building, effective team building and integrating the strategic process into the board’s work plan. To view a schedule, click here or visit the CDS Consulting Co-op display booth at CCMA in Boise. Donated by CDS Consulting Co-op. Estimated value: $400.

• Social Media Strategy Package Donated by For3, LLC. Estimated value: $500.

• Up and Coming, Up and Running Registration The two highest bidders will each receive a registration package for the 2016 Up and Coming, Up and Running Food Co-op Conference, scheduled for March 10 – 12 in Bloomington, Indiana. Up and Coming, Up and Running helps communities launch their own food co-ops and mentors startups. Donated by the Indiana Cooperative Development Center. Estimated value: $225 each.

• 2016 CCMA Conference Registration The two highest bidders will each receive a registration package to the 2016 Consumer Cooperative Management Association (CCMA) Conference. Donated by NCBA CLUSA. Estimated value: $720 each.

• 2016 Cooperative Hall of Fame Tickets The two highest bidders will each receive a ticket to the 2016 Hall of Fame at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on May 4, 2016. Donated by the Cooperative Development Foundation. Estimated value: $275 each.

• NCBA CLUSA Annual Cooperatives Conference Registration The two highest bidders will each receive a registration package for NCBA CLUSA’s 2016 Annual Cooperatives Conference, scheduled for May 2 – 4, 2016, in Washington, D.C. Donated by NCBA CLUSA. Estimated value: $475 each.

• 1/6 Page Ad in Cooperative Grocer Looking for your next general manager? Use this 1/6 page advertisement in Cooperative Grocer Magazine to expand your search. Donated by Cooperative Grocer. Estimated value: $375.

• Cooperative Grocer Subscription Catch up on your food co-op reading with a two-year subscription to the Cooperative Grocer Magazine. Donated by Cooperative Grocer. Estimated value: $58.

• Super Pass to Natural Products Expo East The Natural Products Expo East Super Pass allows access to the exhibition hall, educational sessions and other perks. The expo is scheduled for September 16 – 19 in Baltimore, Maryland. Donated by New Hope Natural Media. Estimated value: $250.

• 2016 Cooperative Communicators Membership Donated by the Cooperative Communicators Association. Estimated value: $160.

Other auction items include: a food co-op quilt, co-op apron, co-op themed books, reusable tote bags, co-op t-shirts, hats and the Co-opoly board game—in which players cooperate to found and run a democratic business—courtesy NCBA CLUSA.

Click here to view a complete schedule of CCMA events and activities.

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