The City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Mondragon Corporation, Medgar Evers College, Coalition To Save InterFaith, Humanity@Work&Life and 1worker1vote are hosting a Community and Economic Development Clinic on Monday, October 2 from 5:30-9 pm EDT at the CUNY School of Law, 2 Ct Square W, Queens, NY 11101.
The event will include a Humanity@Work&Life celebration and book signing from 5:30-7 pm EDT in the CUNY School of Law Auditorium, followed by reception honoring the Mondragon delegation from 7-9 pm EDT in the Beacon Gallery CUNY School of Law. Be part of this event welcoming Mondragon back to New York City!
Due to popular demand, the Humanity@Work&Life book presentation on October 2 at 5:30 pm EDT will be a hybrid event available in-person and online via Zoom.
Join via Zoom – starts October 2 at 5:30 pm EDT
CUNY Law Clinic Dean Carmen Huertas Noble will provide welcome remarks, followed by Iñigo Albizuri Mondragon’s Global Head of Public Affairs, along with NY City Council and State Legislature elected officials, many of whom have visited and studied Mondragon’s cooperative ecosystem.
This event will also feature NY-based book contributors including Sara Horowitz, Roger Green, Carmen Huertas Noble, Jason Spicer, April de Simone, Rebecca Lurie, Charles Chawalko and Michael A. Peck, together with cover art designer and contributor Kevin O’Brien, Publisher Brian O’Kane (Oak Tree Press), Mondragon LKS’ Ibon Zugasti and Mondragon Team Academy’s Ana Aguirre; moderated by co-editor Dr. Christina Clamp.
Mondragon Corporation Global Head of Public Affairs Iñigo Albizuri will discuss Humanity@Work&Life: Global Diffusion of the Mondragon Cooperative Ecosystem Experience (March 2023, Oak Tree Press) in the context of the UN Secretary General’s July 2023 report on “Cooperatives in Social Development.” The Mondragon case study can be found on pages 10-13.
Have a question about this event? Email Michael Peck at