Join co-ops across the U.S. as we show concern for community by participating in a voter registration event on National Voter Registration Day, September 28! Held on the last Tuesday of each September, this annual holiday offers an excellent opportunity to engage with our members and ensure that they’re registered to vote.
As a partner of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)’s Co-ops Vote program, NCBA CLUSA is committed to helping cooperators and their communities participate in the democratic process.
As democratic institutions, voting is in cooperatives’ DNA, and we should all be proud to participate in this event. 2021 is an “All Politics is Local” year, with an opportunity to be involved in the issues that define the communities in which we live and work. This is a great time to ensure members are registered and ready to vote this year and beyond.
Co-ops often serve as more than just a place of business. They play a central role in the community and—especially during a pandemic—are uniquely positioned to engage in this way, including helping people register to vote, acting as a conduit of critical voting information, and helping people make a plan to vote.
Be #voteready by signing up to host a voter drive. Find more information, including helpful videos and voter registration guides, at the Co-ops Vote National Voter Registration Day page.
Host a voter registration drive
If you have any questions, please email Laura Vogel, Senior Advisor for Political Affairs at NRECA.