The National Co-op Research Project, administered by NCBA CLUSA member Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB), is working to compile an up-to-date census of shared-equity housing cooperatives. The term ‘shared-equity’ encompasses limited-equity, zero-equity and other co-op models that emphasize affordability in perpetuity. In addition, the research aims to identify the organizations and institutions that work to develop, manage and sustain housing co-ops.
In addition to the census of the co-op community, UHAB is seeking more information about how housing co-ops and the organizations that support them were established and continue to exist. For the broader cooperative movement to learn more about the co-op housing community, UHAB has designed two surveys—one for co-ops and another for the organizations that work to support and develop co-ops. If you live in a co-op, work for a co-op related organization or both, please take the time to fill out the appropriate survey. Your thoughtful responses are invaluable to this research project.
Housing Co-op Organization Survey
Co-op Community Map
The information from the census is represented on UHAB’s working map of the national co-op community. This map includes shared-equity housing co-ops, other co-op models that emphasize affordable housing and the organizations that work to support and develop these co-ops.
Ultimately this map is meant to be a tool for co-op members and practitioners, as well as a research tool for this project. The map is a work in progress and may contain incorrect information. If you would like to add information to the map, or have corrections to information already on the map, please email UHAB Project Associate Alex Roesch at
To stay up to date and connect to a valuable source of information about the national shared-equity co-op community, see UHAB’s first update.