In partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA) is working to support the cooperative business development needs of historically underserved farmers, ranchers and other socially disadvantaged groups in rural America. Our new project, “Strengthening Co-op Capacity for Historically Underserved Farmers,” will provide technical assistance designed to strengthen local capacity and create opportunities for scaling agricultural production and accessing markets through the cooperative model.
As part of USDA’s American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment (ARPTAI) Program, Strengthening Co-op Capacity for Historically Underserved Farmers will cultivate a community-led cooperative development ecosystem to invest in agricultural communities, address their needs and transform America’s food systems.
To support this project, NCBA CLUSA has released the two opportunities below. Clarifications and questions submitted by the September 20 deadline have been addressed and are now available for review.
Additionally, NCBA CLUSA has shared a Concept Note template to guide submissions for the Request for Applications (RFA): Small Grants Cooperative Development Program for Historically Underserved Producers.