
Make a Commitment now or Reaffirm your Pledge to Advance the Cooperative Movement


Thank you for taking NCBA CLUSA’s Impact 2016 Advocacy Pledge! Here are a list of resources to help you complete your pledge:

• Meet with or write your member of Congress and urge them to join the bipartisan Congressional Cooperative Business Caucus and/or educate them about the cooperative business model as a viable market solution and policy option. Click here to download a sample letter. Find your Senator here and your Representative here.

• Customize and sign an op-ed or letter-to-the-editor in your local newspaper to drive awareness about the cooperative business model by highlighting the positive impact made by local co-ops. Click here to download a template op-ed. Please note that highlighted areas should be customized. If you would like help placing the op-ed in your local paper, send an email to with the subject line Place My Op-Ed.

• Invite your member of Congress or candidate for office to tour your co-op and connect with its member-owners. Find your Senator here and your Representative here.

• Support NCBA CLUSA’s 100th Anniversary Campaign by providing information for a profile, sharing campaign messaging and materials through social media or promoting the efforts on your website. Click here to download our social media toolkit. If you would like us to profile your co-op, email and request a co-op profile questionnaire.

2016 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for NCBA CLUSA’s advocacy efforts, positioning the organization to better defend and advance the cooperative movement. But NCBA CLUSA’s voice is only as big as its members. The more engaged our members are, the more impact we can have in conversations with our elected officials. Thank you for your direct involvement as we continue to support co-ops that build a better world!

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