
Only four more days to save $$ on your hotel reservation for IMPACT 2019


There’s still time to lock in our exclusive room rate at the Sheraton Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia for the 2019 Co-op IMPACT Conference! We’ve extended the deadline to reserve your room through Saturday, September 14.

Book your room online or call the hotel directly at (703) 521-1900. Rooms may still be available after September 14, but they will increase to over $200 per night.

Time is also running out to make plans to attend the 2019 Co-op IMPACT Conference next month. Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of the conversation at this year’s only national, cross-sector event for principled, purpose-driven businesses and the people and communities that make them possible. Register today and join us in building the next economy!

Our tracks this year span Co-ops in CommunitiesCo-ops in BusinessCo-ops in Development and Purchasing Co-ops. As an attendee, you’ll be part of the first-ever effort to establish the national policy strategy co-ops need to thrive. You’ll also hear how member-owned business associations are expanding co-op impact and influence directly from the CEOs of three national associations of cooperatives, credit unions and mutual insurance companies.

You’ll take away stability and sustainability strategies from America’s top co-ops; learn how to embed diversity, equity and inclusion into your work; and hear how co-ops are scaling to address the ever-widening wealth gap in the U.S. See the full agenda.

On Friday, we’re expanding our international content to include a full day of programming. With three tracks to choose from—Sustainability and Self-RelianceStability and Innovations in Co-op Development—attendees can participate in tailored sessions, while joining together for our plenaries: “The Road to Self-Reliance: Cooperative Engagement” and “The Challenge of Change: Staying Relevant.”



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