Mark you calendars now! NCBA CLUSA’s 6th Annual Cooperative IMPACT Conference will be held October 4-5, 2023. We are currently planning a hybrid event with live, in-person sessions at the National Press Club in Washington, DC along with virtual programming.
Our theme this year is “Rooted, Resilient and Ready.” Rooted in our shared identity, cooperatives continue to demonstrate the resilience of our business model—even in the face of a global pandemic, a national reckoning with our past, and economic uncertainty.
Stronger than ever, cooperatives are ready to take on the most critical challenges facing people, communities and businesses today. From advancing climate justice and preserving democracy to addressing persistent inequality against a backdrop of global conflict and natural disasters, cooperatives hold promise for meaningful impact.
From advancing climate justice and preserving democracy to addressing persistent inequality against a backdrop of global conflict and natural disasters, cooperatives hold promise for meaningful impact.
We invite you to join us in October, whether in-person or virtually, and encourage you to start planning now to be part of the only national, cross-sector cooperative event elevating the conversation around a trusted, proven way to do business and build communities.
Alongside our IMPACT Track, we will once again offer an IMPACT International Track, made possible by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and sponsored by our strategic partner, the U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC) and its members.
Registration is coming soon!