NCBA CLUSA is pleased to announce that Vern Dosch, president and CEO of the nearly fifty-year-old technology business National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC), will present the keynote address at the first ever Co-op IMPACT Conference on Wednesday, October 4, 2017.
An industry leader in providing advanced, integrated IT solutions, NISC develops and supports technology solutions that enable its member-owners to excel in customer service, maximize diversification opportunities and compete effectively in the changing utility and telecommunications industries.
The compelling story of NISC’s three-pronged approach to success—the cooperative business model, servant leadership and shared values—is the subject of Dosch’s 2015 book, Wired Differently. The book asks readers to consider what kind of business results they could achieve if their leaders served first, their values were lived and collaboration fueled their culture.
“Dosch’s perspective speaks directly to the core message of this conference,” said Doug O’Brien, Executive Vice President of NCBA CLUSA. “IMPACT 2017 will amplify—in practice and philosophy—the role co-ops play nationwide and around the world, and Dosch’s commitment to the power and potential of the cooperative business model fits well with this goal.”
Before assuming the role of CEO and president at NISC, Dosch served as its General Manager. From 1986 to 1993, he served as Business Manager of NISC. Prior to that, he served as General Manager of North Central Data Cooperative (NCDC) for seven years. From 1979 to 1985, he was employed with Basin Electric Cooperative in Bismarck, North Dakota, where he served as a Financial Analyst and a Leverage Lease Management Analyst. His utility business career began in1975 with a distribution cooperative in Bismarck.
Dosch holds a bachelor’s degree in Science and a master’s degree in Management from the University of Mary in Bismark.
More than 11 million consumers in 49 states, American Samoa, Palau and Canada receive utility or telecommunications services from companies that utilize NISC’s innovative information technology systems.