USAID Mikajy focuses on two regions rich in biodiversity and economic potential: MaMaBay and Menabe. Working directly with local communities who rely on land and sea resources, USAID Mikajy will provide them with tools and knowledge to ensure those resources are available for generations to come.
To accomplish these goals, USAID Mikajy works along five strategic approaches to implement activities:
Nature Work with communities, nongovernmental organizations, and government to improve protected area and natural resource management
Wealth Support community-based conservation-friendly enterprises and livelihoods
Synergy Interface and synergize with development programs delivering services to target communities
Action Operationalize community-based land and resource tenure policy on landscape/seascapes
Power Strengthen community capacity, civil society organization, private sector and government capacity to advocate for and engage on improved community-based land and natural resource managementÂ
The USAID Mikajy activity fosters sustainable and inclusive economic growth by linking biodiversity conservation and improved natural resources management with sustainable livelihood development. NCBA CLUSA leads SA2 activities to support community-based conservation-friendly enterprises and livelihoods in both intervention regions. In MaMaBay, NCBA CLUSA works with several vanilla and clove cooperatives. In Menabe, NCBA CLUSA is introducing conservation farming to maize and peanut farmers.