Strengthening Co-op Communities

How To Navigate the USDA National Agricultural Library


The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of five national libraries of the United States.  It houses one of the world’s largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences, and has online and in-person tools available for public use.

In collaboration with NCBA CLUSA’s Strengthening Cooperative Communities project, the NAL particiated in a webinar to give participants the opportunity to speak with a librarians to learn all of the ways they can utilize this library for success within their agricultural career, research, and more.

For panelist presentations, a recording of the webinar, and contact information of our panelists, please see below.

View the USDA Presentation Slides

Note:  the recording of the webinar will be available at a later date.  Please feel free to contact any of the librarians for additional information and questions.

Panelist Contact Information

Jessica Ault, Training and Outreach Librarian
Jamie Flood, Senior Wikipedian and Outreach Specialist
Tammy Kirk, Librarian

Additional Links to consider

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