When adopted by the farmers, conservation agriculture increases productivity (40 – 60%), decreases agricultural losses and mitigates the negative impact of climate change, by developing the economic and environmental resilience of farmers.
PROMAC II provides training and support on CSA practices and technologies to 900 lead farmers, who in turn train and provide technical assistance to their neighbouring farmers. Through this farmer to farmer extension network, the project works with a total of 31,500 farmers in Manica and Zambezia provinces. The lead farmers are responsible for the maintenance of the demonstration fields, hosting three “Field Days” every year and providing technical support to neighbouring farmers.
This new phase also focuses on promoting mechanization- including rippers for land preparation and- using appropriate tools to climate-adapted agriculture as well as increasing market access for farmers by supporting community based service providers linked to input companies and commodity buyers, to expand access to improved inputs (including seeds and fertilizers) to communities, as well as serve as aggregation points for product going to market.
Additionally, PROMAC II will continue to support the efforts around literacy and access to land for smallholders, especially women, in order to better position farmers to sustainably benefit from the increase in crop yields and market connections brought on by the project.
As of the end of the 2019 agricultural season, through PROMAC II support, a total of $112,012 USD of improved inputs were sold. This includes seeds, fertilizers, and other agro-chemicals. Additionally, a total of 2,444,424 kgs of crops were sold with PROMAC support, totaling around $552,000 USD in sales.