NCBA CLUSA Mozambique

NCBA CLUSA Mozambique

As one of the first international non-governmental organizations to engage in market-based development in Mozambique, NCBA CLUSA pioneered market-linked producer organizations and helped create an enabling environment for farmer associations and agricultural cooperatives—all while building local capacity.

From the onset of NCBA CLUSA’s work in Northern Mozambique, we believed that investing in people early on would ensure that our interventions were sustainable and would lead to significant long-term impact. Since 1995, NCBA CLUSA has built the capacity of thousands of Mozambicans—including our own and partner staff, government officials and, most importantly, the leaders and members of producer organizations and small agribusinesses that continue to play an integral role in rural markets.

In addition to functional literacy, NCBA CLUSA has invested heavily in building up the skills of all its program participants. During the initial years when we focused on association and farmer organizations, we prioritized building the capacity of farmer organization board members, training them in institutional planning, preparation for and running of meetings, problem solving and conflict resolution. We later trained managers of farmer associations and cooperatives in business planning and management techniques, market analysis, contract negotiation and bookkeeping.

Contact: Carolina Reynoso Pieters, Mozambique Country Director  •
Follow NCBA CLUSA Mozambique on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

SEEDS+ Insurance Instruction Video


NCBA CLUSA is partnering with Hollard Insurance and Phoenix Seeds to offer weather-indexed insured seed to farmers in Manica and Zambezia Provinces. The insured seeds will be available through local agrodealers at no additional cost to farmers. In order to activate the insurance, farmers will be required to register their seed purchase through an SMS platform, as explained in this video.

PROMAC II Documentary Series


In a new video series, NCBA CLUSA Mozambique, follows a set of farmers through the seasons as they experience climate change in real time. Through a set of three videos, we focus on three key points of the agricultural season- land preparation, crop development, and harvest.


In Part 2- titled O Crescimento (Growth), the project revisits the farmers featured in Part 1 to check in on the development of their crops highlighting the difference between crops planted using CSA and crops planted using traditional practices.


The final installment of the PROMAC II documentary, accompanying selected farmers as they experienced climate change through the 2019/2020 agricultural season, is now available. Recorded in May 2020, this final piece of the three-part series reconnects with each of the farmers as they reflect on the results of the agricultural season.

Implementos da Agricultura Resiliente ao Clima


The practice of Climate Resilient Agriculture has been gaining strength in Mozambique and the PROMAC II project is contributing to the dissemination of information, associated techniques, tools, training for commercial and emerging producers, among other activities. The dissemination of the use of rippers in agricultural activities is a bet of PROMAC II, looking at its advantages, namely: reduced production costs, reduced working time, soil sustainability and good yields.